I’m now 4 months in to my freelancing career. It’s been a roller coaster of a ride so far with a myriad of new people in my life, new faces, new adventures and new experiences.
I’ve travelled more, smiled more, enjoyed my work a lot more and slept a lot less!
Here is a list of the ups and the downs I’ve experienced so far;
The Ups
Setting my alarm clock later than I would normally because now my office is 6 steps away from where I slumber.
Being able to drop my son off at school every morning and not have to hot-foot it out of there to join the rush-hour traffic to try and make it to the office on time.
Following on from no.2….I manage my own time and can start work when I need to.
Taking a break when I want
Listening to what I want and at whatever volume I desire. (it normally varies depending on what’s playing)
Isolation. There is no longer the danger of a colleague coming over to “pick my brains” or “ask a quick favour” derailing my creative flow or thought process.
Wearing what I want. (I do set myself standards however and always get myself dressed and presentable. Don’t think I’m sat here in my pants all day.)
I can create my own surroundings and decoration without conforming to any company policy or showing consideration for others.
I don’t report to anyone. (This has to be my favourite to date. To be my own boss and be in control of where I am supposed to be, how and why.)
Creative freedom. All the above points make me a more creative and liberal thinker which I hope my clients will testify in the work that I produce.
The Downs
Resisting the temptation to sleep in a bit longer knowing that my office is only 6 steps away from where I slumber.
Dragging my lazy son out of bed to make it to school on time and then motivating myself to return home immediately to begin work when there is no-one there waiting for me.
I manage my own time. This is harder than you think! It takes discipline and a sense of responsibility to your own clients. I work sometimes for the love of creating something however the majority of the time I need to work and therefore I work. This can sometimes mean I see 3am at my desk.
Taking a break when I want…
Listening to what I want and spending far too much time flicking through 90’s album compilations on youtube
Isolation. There are no longer colleagues to come over and interrupt me for whatever reason. I may need to get myself a pet.
Wearing what I want. What do I wear and do I really need to shave today?
I’m surrounded by empty tea mugs, discarded paper and the layers of filth on my keyboard from each daily grind are beginning to build up. I do not have an office cleaner.
Not reporting to anyone means self-discipline. This takes self-motivation and focus. Everyday.
After creating something I can no longer lean over and say “Phil, what do you think of this?” for a bit of creative criticism. I now have to be my own critique.