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It’s undoubtedly true that all businesses need a strong brand identity to claim their share of their target market. It’s vital to success as it’s the key to recognition, familiarisation and reputation. Yet often, logo design is a necessary (yet frustrating) ‘evil’ – an aspect of the conception process which is rushed through after a name has been confirmed so that business can commence. Yet all sales and marketing activity a business engages in following conception hinges on the perception of outsiders – and a logo is an instrumental part of this.
In this article we discuss why branding should never be an afterthought – and why a logo is still crucial for businesses of all sizes and natures.


A strong logo creates a powerful brand


Most of the world’s biggest, most powerful brands can be identified instantly by their logo alone. In some cases the logo consists of just a few lines, or an iconic symbol, a single letter or a colour.
Your logo gives you a presence where words and other design techniques are unable to – on signage, for example, or in the form of a social media icon. It also forms the basis for all other marketing material and for important integral elements such as stationery, uniforms and vehicle livery. Your whole business identity hinges on your logo – so it’s crucial that it speaks to your audience in a way that makes them feel as though they’re confident in engaging with your brand.
Michelin logo design evolution
The logo for the Michelin company has always been the Michelin tyre man, who’s shape, level of intensity, and size originated from the company’s early days. The tyre man was inspired by a pile of tyres that Édouard Michelin imagined to be a man when they were attending the Lyon Universal Exhibition. In 1989, the Michelin man was created by O’Galop.

Your logo design conveys your message subliminally


A logo’s ability to deliver multiple messages about a company or product without words is undoubtedly the main reason it can have a powerful impact (positively or negatively) on a business. Predominantly a logo is the first impression potential customers are exposed to, so if it’s amateurish, inappropriate or confusing you could lose business as a result.
Mistakenly some companies invest in complex logos which confuse or frustrate their demographic, when often the simplest yet intelligent designs are the most eye-catching and compelling. Another common mistake businesses make involves directly lifting ideas and colour schemes from an existing successful brand – which immediately causes confusion and looks cheap, even if it does initially command attention. Your logo needs to be original and tailored to your business with your clients in mind to set you apart from your competition.
Burger King Logo evolution
As the second largest hamburger fast food chain in the world, the Burger King logo has developed a recognition second only to that of the McDonald’s “Golden Arch.” Starting with a simple logotype of “Burger King” in 1954, the company introduced the complex logo of the Burger King character sitting atop a burger the following year. The character of the King remains in use to this day in the brand’s advertising, though the logo faced a monumental evolution in 1969 with the introduction of the “Bun Halves” design. Now instantly recongnisable, the Bun Halves design of 1969 remains a key element in the Burger King brand image.

Colour matters


We usually process brands and logos subconsciously, without giving thought to how they make us feel or what they make us do (or buy), unless of course we are asked. However even when you consider your favourite brands it’s not always easy to identify why we feel they resonate with us in such a significant way. Often that’s because we are emotionally influenced – usually by colour.
Barbie logo design evolution
The Barbie logo was introduced alongside the doll in March 1959 at the New York Toy Show and gets its name from Ruth Handler’s daughter, whose name is Barbara. Barbie was marketed as a “teenage fashion model,” filling in the gap of adult-aged dolls for kids. The bright pink Barbie logo design has never strayed far from the original, with only slight alterations to shading and shape in the past 50 years to adjust to trends.
A logo’s ability to compel and persuade is not only influenced by its design – but also by the colours it incorporates. For colour to be used in the best possible way in relation to the nature of your business, objectives and target audience professionals need to be on board – as each tone and hue represents a fine line between cosy and angry, lively and corporate, formal and informal. We’ll discuss the particulars of your business and the products and services you offer before getting to know your target market and how you want to come across to them, the message you want to communicate to them. Only then can colour be considered and incorporated in a way which will positively influence your customers when they think of your company and drive them towards making a buying decision which involves you.

For further branding advice or to speak to us about professional logo design contact Rob today!

Why not take a look through some of the logo and branding projects we have created…

Car Clinic

Retail Garage Branding

Eco Swim portfolio